Sunday, March 7, 2021
This page will be updated regularly as information becomes available.

Beginning March 5, the allocation and administration data for this webpage is sourced from South Carolina's Statewide Immunization Online Network (SIMON). Prior to March 5, the data on this webpage was sourced directly from both the federal VAMS database and SIMON database. Data from the federal VAMS database funnels into the state's SIMON database, and the SIMON database is the most current and accurate source for vaccine information for South Carolina. The SIMON database also powers DHEC's vaccine dashboard.
Total Doses Received
in South Carolina
Total Doses Given
in South Carolina
Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Allocations
Total Doses
First Shot / Second Shot
(residents and non-residents)
481,081 / 337,123
Total Doses
Moderna Vaccine Allocations (Including LTC Program)
Total Doses
First Shot / Second Shot
(residents and non-residents)
303,740 / 109,415
Total Doses
Pfizer & Moderna Appointments Scheduled
Not including third-party providers
*Total doses used can exceed 100% based on two main factors:
- Providers were able to extract sixth doses from five-dose Pfizer vials before the FDA formally announced in late January that the new standard doses amount for every Pfizer vial would be six doses. In the weeks prior to then, these "extra" sixth doses were recorded as additional doses by providers, contributing to a total utilization exceeding 100%.
- Shipping times from the vaccine manufacturer have sped up, and in some instances, providers are receiving and using their direct vaccine shipments a day before those vaccine doses are formally recorded as "received" in the vaccine tracking databases
Vaccine providers are required to log specific information about each vaccine they administer within 24 hours. The data within these by-facility spreadsheets are provisional and subject to change.
Key points about vaccine allocation data include:
- The data within these spreadsheets are approximate and provisional.
- Current vaccine inventory is based on six doses per vial for Pfizer and 10 doses per vial for Moderna, however, extra amounts of vaccine in some vials allows providers to pull seven shots of Pfizer from a single vial or 11 shots from a single Moderna vial.
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine allocation by facility
Updated daily
Moderna Vaccine Allocations
Updated daily
Moderna Vaccine Used for LTC Program
Total Doses Received
Through LTC Program
Given to LTCF Residents
First Shot / Second Shot
(residents and non-residents)
34,898 / 26,474
Given to LTCF Staff
First Shot / Second Shot
(residents and non-residents)
20,893/ 15,374
1st / 2nd Clinics Scheduled
Through LTC Program
3rd Clinics Scheduled
Through LTC Program
The CDC’s Long-Term Care Program is a federal partnership between Walgreens and CVS pharmacies. These pharmacies are holding vaccination clinics at every long-term care facility in South Carolina, ensuring those most vulnerable to COVID-19 and the workers who care from them are among the first to receive their shots. CVS and Walgreens began holding vaccine clinics at these facilities on December 28, 2020. Long-term Care Program data is recorded in a federal database called Tiberius. The information in the spreadsheets below, from Tiberius, isn’t managed by DHEC.
LTC Program: Moderna Vaccine Allocation by Facility
Updated daily